Sunday, May 17, 2009


will try to blog more often now since nobody wants to chat with me on msn. (nobody nobody wants me *clap clap)

////////some works from last year! :)

a fading tradition:to revive a fading tradition and bring it to a contemporary context. i chose to do chinese calendar. (hanah i know v cliche la)

for the global audience: a itinerary guide around singapore!

version 2: with an agaration of mrt map

for local audience: a calendar that helps u decide what to do or eat for the day

calendar post-its! i nv knew there is such a thing called restickable glue! (v suagu) i can make my own post-it notes le! wee

c.w. critical writing a book containing critical writings of 7 different designs. ink transfer is so fun! thank u frankie for the free thinner haha.

helvetica type specimen brochure/poster

a bloody A1 poster printed on double side, and theres no bloody printer in the whole of bloody singapore that can help me print one bloody double sided A1 bloody poster on a gsm that i want. bloody h*ll why like that/////////// :( lucky got the help from song n rachel! yay. thank you so much!!

public service announcement to an audience of kids (atas kids) our group's message to them was on intellectual property rights (hypocrite lor)

a collaboration with school of the arts (sota).
n since its supposed to be a short assignment, we jus conveniently used the toblerone packaging lah (ironic i know), but concept is more impt ma! we thought the gullible kids will appreciate free chocolates and hence enjoy our presentation, and give better comments. but knn we were wrong. these kids r no ordinaly kids mind u!! they are the atas gia! buay paisay one, alot of comments to shoot! shoot shoot shoot! neh give face one, take the chocolate already straight away say 'i think youve degraded toblerone' in an angmoh slang.

oei boy! next time i become your art director then u know!

anyway, this is a collaboration with my 2 v chio apsaras: yasmine n jvonne :)

build with ikea: stackable ikea game cards in a stackable packaging box! wa! discover the joy in building! (hmm right, build furniture v fun meh, actually i think v leychey)

pocket size letter journal compilation of the history, anatomy and facts of the letter G and photos of interesting 'G's in our environment!

perfect-bounded with an accordian cover

pushing legibility yet another G project. gg

melting an exploration of type and layout in a poem.

(the gluey stuff on the cover is supposed to be like machiam frost melting, just imagine lah k!)

publication for my hostel, hall one: with the cover shaped like a house!

so cool, can use ntu budget to do personal projects! must exploit!

prism animated graphics projected onto suspended prisms that form the shape of Tees when viewed from the correct angles

collaborated with butter factory and many many many days n nights spent in school n location with cas iz n lydia! :)
also the winner of 'art of the T' competition organised by club21 and exhibited during the 2nd singapore biennale 2008. yay.

and a few more to come! :) ////////////////////

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