Sunday, March 2, 2008

term break just ended and THAT MEANS: i will be completing my 1st year of university in just six weeks!!!

ahhhh, damn fast lah.
better play as much as i can now!

mini recap.
some stuff i did last sem and this sem:

Foundation drawing class

quick 1 minute gestural sketches

45 minutes drawing

i love drawing the back view cuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.............................................. easier!

we will never forget this dead cockroach pose!

that thing was just dangling right before me lor.
it was so distracting, swinging here there everywhere because he couldn't stay still for 15 minutes in that ridiculous pose, i couldn't draw his feet properly! argh.

actually i dont like to draw cocks and vaginas also. i usually just colour there black black.

our class esp the girls were quite tramatised after that incident and we nickname this model 'the cockroach man' ever since.

my first life-size drawing! 2 bloody hours.
mission failed.
face and shoulders look super weird. haha.
and i totally gave up on drawing his right foot.

ribcage drawing with ballpoint pen

quick conte drawings. this was quite fun!

my drawings are very avg compared to some of my classmates.

but at least i improved abit.

my initial drawings were Hilarious!

TADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wahahahaha...

my first life nude drawing. 20 minutes.


self portrait. LOL


the pink railings i talked about

'city' collage!

i chose to do a Jap theme since ive got the materials from the previous trip.
this was later divided and printed onto 3 separate A3 cloth, and sewn into a Jap-style doorway curtain.

i hate needle work.


some random styrofoam sculpturing thing

we need to design and make an abstract model to represent our 'superhero' for this project.

i dun have a childhood superhero and i didnt want to choose spiderman, superman or batman. so i anyhow choose.... BOMBERMAN!!

hahaha.. lame lah. not even a hero lor. but Heck!! Bomberman is quite fun mah.

so my final model consists of a matchstick-ball representing the bomb, suspended in a matrix of acrylic maze. :)

picture chio only. real thing like


part of my 'self portrait' project

temporal log project
music by liza guansing

the jerkyness at some parts is on purpose but resolution too small for web so everything is in a blur. :/

latest class photo xD

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